Our Vision

Our Context
The traditional owners of the land, the Ballardong Badimaya people, called the area ‘Good Land’ or ‘Place to wait awhile’.
Dalwallinu is situated 250kms northeast of Perth on the Great Northern Highway. Dalwallinu District High School is proudly a public school. catering for approximately 230 Kindergarten to Year 12 students and was opened on the current site in 1964.
Dalwallinu District High School prides itself on its positive and inclusive learning environment and the committed and motivated educators who work collaboratively. High quality teaching and learning, and a quest for academic excellence is valued by all. Our staff are approachable and maintain open communication in their relationships with students, parents/carers and each other. The school population is made up from an increasingly diverse range of cultures and backgrounds which are embraced and celebrated. A strong student services team, including administration, school psychologist, chaplain and student councillor coordinator ensure the needs of all students are met.
We aim to build resilient, life-long learners who are excited about the opportunities and choices ahead of them.
Our beliefs guide our thinking and planning which influence the strategies we use to improve student learning
Our beliefs are: